Saturday, June 7, 2008

Last Day Kids!

Why do I love living in CM? WAREHOUSE SALES.....So, for you all shopaholics out's last day for warehouse sales (they usually only do these 2x a year!), so get em' while there hot!
Not to mention the infamous Paul Frank...yeah for Julius!
Oh and Surfer Magazine also has one in the area. Contains lines from Aztec Rose, Surfer Mag, and others I wasn't familiar with!..Happy shopping! Oh and P.S. Rock and Republic is having there's in LA! Woot, woot!



Lyndsay said...

Do you by chance know when Rock & Republic and Paul Frank are coming to Toledo??

Nakki said...

Ha, ha...good luck! I think Toledo was LAST YEAR's hype...sorry. Perhaps next year it'll make a come back ;)

BRE said...

R&R?! ah you know that's my fav! im so coming out! i need the beach and some new rocks! come to nyc and i can hook ya up with $40 true religions and rocks...i gotta guy in chinatown! haha

Crystal said...

ummm...Hey Walmart, can you tell me what aisle I need to find the Hanes t-shirts? Thanks.