Thursday, December 11, 2008


So, I wanted to post some pics of apt. We decorated awhile back and I love it! I waiting forever last year after Christmas to buy a Christmas tree (I'd really, really wanted one but didn't want to fork out the money before last Christmas). Well, I was overjoyed to set it up this year (and the wait paid off. I got my $200 tree for $50. Do people seriously pay $200 for a tree?). Anyways, here are the results of our decorating fest:

And did you notice the wonderfulness? Ha ha, at first I thought the tree was assembled poorly and was swing around, until I read that it rotates! Seriously. Its funny. There's a switch on the bottom to turn in on or off. Hahhaaa, thanks Martha Stewart (is that why its $200??)! Merry Christmas!!!


Dezi & Brock said...

Cute, i love it! I can't wait for my mom to put up ours! And it's starting to look and feel a lot like Christmas, the weather is getting nasty. I have to go home early so I can make it up Lechee hill. Hahaha, funny.

Nakki said...

So does this mean you're riding your bike home??? Good for you! I need to start riding again...but not today! Its POURING!!!