Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Whistle While You Work

I would describe myself as a clean messy person. I like to be organized, & like to organize but don't keep it spotless and all in place very long. Prime example? Have a looksy for yourself, behold, my work space...
P.S. Does anyone use the Blogger app? I just downloaded it and posted this from my phone, guess we'll see...tootles!


Nava_jo said...

Castle Valley Co-op is your work space? Interesting.

Nakki said...

haha, oops. Guess this really was a trial posting...I swear I didn't post that at all! I'l try to put the real pic up...via laptop.

Maleina said...

I sometimes wonder if I will ever outgrow the not keeping it in the right place for long stage!

BRE said...

you need more color, like pink!