Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Water Colour

Ages ago I took a water colour class with my mother at the local Senior Citizen center (have I shared this before?). It was a night class and our teacher was female.  I, was the youngest in the bunch. I learned how to manipulate paint, proper brush care, the wonders of a light box, etc. with group of older women. I loved it.  I had so much fun painting (I don't really remember much technique, but still love to paint when I make the time).  I always used my mothers paints and brushes (never had my own) and perhaps in college I acquired more, but if I had they've since been lost.  I have a series of water colour crayons and pencils that I've used and a little hard paint kit (this is my current collection).  I've been wanting to get back into painting again (I took a little side path and ventured into acrylics) but over all, water colours, you have my heart (I have yet to try the other painting mediums).  So I did it.  I splurged and bought me a basic color set.  I. Love. It. Paint it tubes is so much different from hard color sets (not sure of the exact name, but you know the ones I'm talking about, the kind you that looks like the Crayola set you had as a kid...but mine is a bit a step up from that). I hate to admit that I've actually owned this set for probably a couple months now and have finally broken it out.  I didn't really paint anything fantastic, just played around with the color and my brushes, but it was fun just the same.  Perhaps if I get something decent I'll post pics.  If not, know that I'm enjoying my time with my paints, paper and ideas. Happy painting! 
P.S. Does anyone else NOT proof read before they submit? Or is it just me????
(photos via here and here)

1 comment:

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

neat-O!! I want a paint set too, just because its so cute!.. btw, your mom is a great painter!